Special Permitted Uses

The terms “Special Permitted Use” (SPU) refers to a use of land that requires extra regulations and review. These uses may be okay in a zoning district, but only under certain conditions and with public input.

An example of a SPU in unincorporated Jefferson Parish is a hair salon operated in a house in a residential neighborhood. This use may not always be appropriate in a residential neighborhood, so there are additional regulations that limit the size and scale of the hair salon.

Uses that require approval as a SPU in certain zoning districts are listed on the back of this sheet.

How do I know if the use that I want on my property is a SPU

Consult with a planner in the Planning Department to discuss what you are proposing. The planner will discuss the regulations with you and the process for applying for the SPU. Our offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To allow sufficient time for a planner to meet with customers, the department encourages customers to arrive by 4:00pm.

You may also view the zoning regulations online. Visit the Planning Department’s webpage and click on “Code of Ordinances” on the left menu bar.

How do I apply for a SPU?

Complete a special permitted use application. The application fee is $200 per acre of land (maximum $5,000). You must also pay for advertising. Your application will be reviewed and the Planning Department will make a technical recommendation. The Planning Advisory Board will hold a public hearing and make a recommendation, then the Parish Council will hold a public hearing and make a final decision. The process generally takes at least three months.

My SPU/CU has been approved! What next?

You must still get any other required approvals for your project, such as a building permit or occupational license.

Also, some SPUs must be renewed every three years. This renewal ensures that the SPU is still being operated as approved. To apply for a renewal, contact the Planning Department. The renewal includes a $25 fee and an inspection by the Parish. If you do not renew your SPU, it can be terminated.

How would I find out if a property near me is being considered for a new SPU?

All potential special permitted/conditional uses must be advertised. At least one sign will be posted on the property. A notice will be published in the newspaper. Also, a letter will be mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet.

I want to show my support or opposition to a proposed SPU. How do I do that?

  • You may send your comments to the Planning Advisory Board (PAB) via email, fax, or mail, or attend a PAB public hearing. PAB public hearings are Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. Information for the PAB can be found online at jeffparish.net.
  • You may contact a Parish Council member or attend a Parish Council public hearing. Council public hearings are Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. Information for the Parish Council can be found online at jeffparish.net.