Adopt a Parkway

All adopters are required to landscape and maintain in accordance with a plan submitted to and approved by the Department of Parkways and the Adopt-A-Parkway Program. Adopters are encouraged to employ the services of a landscape architect or landscape contractor. 

Call the Jefferson Parish Parkways Department at (504) 349-5800 for Adopt-A-Parkway contracts.

Sponsorship Categories

1.  Commercial Sponsors

  • Must keep median free of litter and debris.
  • Must cut grass twice a month (minimum) and on a regular time schedule.
  • Must remove weeds and vines from around plants.
  • Must water plants as needed.
  • Must install a water meter on the median.
  • Must adopt the nearest available median.
  • Adoptions by commercial sponsors are not available in residential areas.

2. Service Organizations

  • Must pick up litter and debris.
  • Must remove weeds and vines.
  • Must water plants as needed.
  • Must adopt nearest available median.
  • Grass cutting optional in some areas.

3. Scout Troops and Garden Clubs

  • Must pick up litter and debris.
  • Must remove weeds and vines.
  • Must water plants as needed.
  • Grass cutting optional in some areas.

Sponsorship Recognition

  1. Sponsors will receive letters of recognition from Volunteer Coordinators and from the Parish Administration.
  2. Signs which are the sole property of the Adopt-A-Parkway Program will be installed by the Parkway Department in recognition of Sponsors. These signs are 18? x 18? and may not be altered or decorated in any way.

Additional Sponsorship Responsibilities

  1. Annuals must be replaced each Fall and Spring.
  2. Trees or shrubs may not be added to medians without prior approval by Adopt-A-Parkway Program.
  3. Adoptions are initially limited to one site until sponsor has met criteria for additional adoptions.
  4. Sponsors must make periodic reports on adoptions or must be available to receive follow-up phone calls.
  5. Sponsors must respond immediately to notification of non-compliance. Lack of response will result in loss of rights to median adoption and termination of Letter of Agreement between sponsor and the Parish of Jefferson through the Department of Parkways and the Adopt-A-Parkway Program.
  6. At termination of Letter of Agreement between sponsor and the Parish of Jefferson, all materials become the property of the Parish of Jefferson.